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We are excited to announce the launch of our new MFT Bodyteamwork website. It offers a comprehensive insight into the world of our premium health balance boards, specifically designed to promote coordination, balance, and stability—the foundation of all healthy movement.

Managing Director Alexandra Bosch is excited about the launch of the new MFT Bodyteamwork website.
Managing Director Alexandra Bosch is excited about the launch of the new MFT Bodyteamwork website.

What makes MFT Bodyteamwork so special?

At MFT Bodyteamwork, the focus is on promoting healthy movement patterns. Topics such as coordination, balance, and stability form the foundation for a healthy back and strong joints. That’s why we have developed balance boards and an innovative training app that support everyone—from beginners to professionals—in precisely analyzing and optimizing their training.

Our digital balance boards are equipped with integrated sensors, and the Bodyteamwork app provides an interactive feedback system. This allows users to track their progress and continuously improve their training results—ensuring a noticeable increase in training quality.

Highlights of our new website:

  • All in one place: Our product overview details all balance boards and helps find the right model for individual training needs.

  • Versatile training programs: A wide selection of free training programs makes workouts more comprehensive and varied.

Our mission at MFT Bodyteamwork: We view the body as a team where muscles and nerves work together ideally. Our goal is to contribute to a holistically healthy body through improved coordination and optimized movement perception.

Why balance training?

Training mit MFT Balance Boards steigert die Leistungsfähigkeit und Gesundheit

Balanced training not only promotes overall fitness but also specifically strengthens balance and stability—essential for daily life and athletic activities. Our balance boards are not just training devices; they are tools for specifically enhancing movement awareness. The combination of sensor technology and feedback helps make every training step more efficient and sustainably improves quality.

Visit and discover our new website: https://www.mft-bodyteamwork.com


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